We love dogs just the way they are: with happy tails, begging eyes and unique characters. DOGvision tells a story of friendship through countless photographs and stories of muddy adventures.
dog photography, dog illustration, dog blog, adventurous dogs, Sweden, exploring with dogs, camping with dogs, hiking with dogs, hiking, outdoors, nordic lifestyle. Border Collie, rescue dogs
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The Quest
DOGvision =creativity + adventure + dogs

DOGvision captures and shares moments of cheerful wagging tails and muddy adventures with our best friends. Through photography, we share stories and memories, tips and tricks, creative explorations, and inspiration for the good dog life.

Recent blog posts
  • #TongueOutTuesday (39), dog photography Europe, hundfotografi Sverige, hiking with dogs in nature, www.DOGvision.eu
    Dog photography 101

    For the past 15+ years, I’ve been working as a professional dog photographer and I’ve been sharing dog stories, photographs, and shoots for many years on the Dutch version of this website and blog. After organizing a series of workshops I discovered the joy of......

  • Daily dog drawing challenge, Instagram dog sketches, dog illustration, www.DOGvision.eu
    (not so) Daily dog drawings, week 6

    It’s been a busy week (two weeks actually as we’ve been traveling + working), and I did only three drawings last week. However, since I forgot to scan a few the week before, I still have five dog sketches to share this week. Not too......

  • Daily dog drawing challenge, Border Collie and Chesapeake bay retriever, www.DOGvision.eu
    Daily dog drawings, week 6

    I’ve been having a lot of fun with my markers this week, and while discovering more techniques with them, it’s very challenging to find the right brown for each dog 🙂...

  • Sauna dog, talking button, www.DOGvision.eu
    Sauna dog

    It’s all true, except for the color of her towel and button, these are pink (but I couldn’t find my pink marker). Lizzie adores the sauna, requests us to turn it on, and is very specific about her spot (top seat). If you’re worried, she’s......

  • Hiking with dogs in Sweden, Nordic winter, dog photography, Border Collie, senior dog, www.DOGvision.eu
    Lasagna ice and frozen snow

    The unexpectedly loud sound of shattering glass… in the middle of nowhere by a lake. That could only be Oona getting into trouble! 🙂 But no worries, no actual glass was broken and no dogs were harmed. It was only the thin layers of ice......

  • DOGvision daily dog drawing challenge, dog sketches, www.DOGvision.eu
    Daily dog drawings, week 5

    Hi friends! It’s been a busy week but I managed to get all 7 dog sketches in! In Belgium, I love going to a real art store, testing ALL the colors, and taking my time to walk through the entire store twice. But here in......

  • Skijoring on a frozen lake, Sweden, www.DOGvision.eu
    Skiing on a frozen lake

    As I write this, I’m surrounded by snoring dogs. Oona even requested an early dinner so she could go to bed. In this household, this means that the weekend was a success and the dogs are happy, tired, and satisfied. And so are we, because......

  • Daily dog drawings, dog sketches, dog illustration, www.DOGvision.eu
    Daily dog drawings, week 4

    Another week flew by at the studio so here are this week’s Insta doggies:   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Fenne Kustermans (@dogvision) I’ve experimented with different techniques, digital and analog. The sketchbook I’m currently using isn’t great for pencils......

  • Birthday dog resolutions comic, dog drawing, www.DOGvision.eu
    Happy Birthday Lizzie!

    My little puppy turns 7, and I’m not quite ready for that! But I promise I will finally frame a photo for the picture wall! Now off for a nice long (and frosty) walk. x...

  • dog drawing challenge, dog illustration, dog sketches, www.DOGvision.eu
    Daily dog drawings, week 3

    The pens and pencils have been scribbling a lot this week, and it has been fun to surprise a few dog lovers with portraits on special days! From the daily life: de doggies got booties and it wasn’t an instant love story (read more here)......

  • Protector booties for dogs, Non-stop dogwear, dog gear illustration. www.DOGvision.eu
    Booties for the dogs

    My dogs are used to a lot when it comes to dog gear. Jackets, sweaters, photo accessories,… all fine. …But boots… We are lucky that boots are not a must-have in our area. We don’t have salt on the roads, sharp junk lying around, or......

  • Daily dog drawing challenge, dog illustration, dogs of Instagram drawings, www.DOGvision.eu
    Week 2 of daily dog drawings

    Week two of January and the daily dog drawings are going strong! I even finished the little sketchbook that started it all! It’s fun to look back and see all the experiments with different materials and the different types of dogs. Still, there is so......

Meet the heroes



The smallest changes in her surroundings are noticed by Oona. She uses her Bosnian street-dog-skills to get the group safely back home after adventures. She loves to go on squirrel patrol and practicing her camouflage techniques. At home she loves sleeping on the biggest pillow she can find and snores loudly (and we love that). She's allergic to fish but loves carrots.<br /> A DNA test showed that she's a 'European Village Dog'.



Chief of staff

Running through the forest, jumping in lakes, swimming and long long hikes across frozen lakes are the best things in the world to Mogwai and she always goes 100% for it. Mogwai is energetic, loyal, very focused and sensitive. She doesn't like vegetables unless she can play with them. She might be a whirlwind outdoors but indoors she's very calm and loves to sleep at our feet.



Junior chaser

A small, scared rescue dog flew over from Crete, not knowing what was going on and how much her life would change. The first few weeks, we carried her through the big and overwhelming world but quickly she discovered her adventurous self and by now her curiosity is unstoppable! She loves to go first on new paths and dives deep in the snow. She runs fast as the wind and loves sleeping in the sun.



Computer wizard

Dog lover. Runner. Can't say no to the sweet eyes of Mogwai. Cooks the most delicious veggie food. Looking for digital Easter eggs.



Muse & best friend

The muse who started the DOGvision-adventure. A rescue dog with a heart of gold and eyes that always understand. 15/03/2002 - 04/01/2017



Senior vice president

2805/2005 - 22/05/2018<br /> Eating is serious business according to Ravasz and it doesn't even have to be food. Ravasz is brave, has a strong opinion and always looks after his group. Since September 2016 he's fighting cancer (the reason why he doesn't have a tail anymore) but for now it doesn't make him any less hungry and life loving.

Get in touchWe love messages
