#TongueOutTuesday (25)
I have to admit, it is with some canniness that we just clicked this new website with a pooof onto the world wide web. Behind the scenes we’ve been working on it for weeks now, months perhaps if you would include all the discussions, preparations and scribbles of what a new design should look like.
Why we wanted a new design? A new look always feels refreshing, but there is more: we wanted to give the English part of our website a decent page instead of just some articles that were almost impossible to find and we also needed a type of website that can grow with us. The past few months our lives changed is so many ways by moving abroad, adopting a new dog, learning a new language and basically starting all over in a new but exciting place.
The next couple of weeks we’ll probably have to fix some issues that we might have missed (if you find something that isn’t working, feel free to let us know), finish some pages that we’re still working on and of course write some new blogposts filled with new photographs.