Time sure flies when you're having fun! And today we're celebrating Oona's birthday. Well, we actually started celebrating this weekend with lots of love, treats, and a cake made by Joeri. I made sure I had a few photographs before Oona would attack and then we...
To make it easier to find the design for dog lovers, I have split the Society6 shop. Everything dog related will be available at Society6.com/dogvision and the nature photography and illustrations remain at Society6.com/FenneKustermans. It might take a few days to upload all the designs (the...
Dog training classes online, that is a new thing for us! In this blog, I'll share some more about the why, what, and what we're learning. With all my dogs, I've been interested in dog training and sports both for their mental/physical health as for fun. I...
Honestly, I didn't expect to ever make the jump to mirrorless. Not in 100 years. Even if it is just a kind of side jump, maybe a wobbly sidetrack ? ;) I don't participate in heavy brand discussions, all my DSLR (digital SLR) cameras are from...
A little Lizzie blep on the drizzly Tuesday morning here. It certainly isn't cold, but heat (like in my home country Belgium now) is just something I read about in the paper. The next days we will normally get sun again, with a maximum of...
Most of our summer plans fell through. Friends had their flights canceled, color codes for travel got in place and today's world is simply not that of a summer ago. Some of those plans, such as the renovation of my studio, are postponed for a...
Mmmmmm! Oona's number one cool down strategy for summer :-)...
Some color and glitter for happy feet wandering surrounded by happy paws and wagging tails. We might get some rain this weekend so that means lots of chances to spot rainbows! Have a wonderful weekend x ...