#TongueOutTuesday (23), Fenne Kustermans dog photographer, dog photography Sweden, hiking with dogs in Sweden, nordic inspiration, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (23)

Since the hail and snow marked early spring, it is now dry, sunny and warm here. While my warm sweaters are still hanging over my chair, I look for summer shirts. Early this morning it was dripping * tick-tick-tick * on the roof. Very soft, even...

#TongueOutTuesday (22), Fenne Kustermans dog photographer and artist Sweden, hiking with dogs in Sweden, dog blog, adventures with dogs, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (22)

We've had such a delightful week. A bit of (unexpected) adventure, hanging out by the water, happy dogs and good food to celebrate.   The travel advice for Sweden remained unchanged, which means that we can leave home for a trip about 1-2 hours from home. All...

#TongueOutTuesday (21), Fenne Kustermans dog photographer, dog photography Sweden, Dalarna hiking with dogs, colorful creative dog photography, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (21)

From an absurd winter to a crazy spring. It's always funny to see the difference during a video chat. Us, wearing a warm sweater and maybe a hat, the Belgians in a summer dress in a full green garden with flowers and everything. During the warm...

#TongueOutTuesday (20), Fenne Kustermans DOG photography, Dalarna Sweden & Antwerp Belgium, colorful pet photography, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (20)

At the moment we have more hours of daylight than I can be awake - unfortunately- because I'm experiencing the total opposite of boredom. Is it the doggies, the spring inspiration or something else, I don't know, but oh how I would like to have...

Week 8 of the Corona Coloring: botanical garden & little prince

I was dreaming of vibrant plants reaching for the sun and colorful flowers spreading a wonderful aroma. Little did I know that we would get another 10 centimeters of snow! If you already subscribed to the corona coloring pages, you will get an e-mail with the...

#TongueOutTuesday (18), dog photography www.DOGvision.eu, Fenne Kustermans Belgian artist Sweden.

#TongueOutTuesday (18)

I am missing that lovey winter with crispy mornings already but when spring arrives there is a longing prospect in the air. A promise of warm summer evenings and swimming in the lakes. Longing for sun on our faces and eating ice cream under the...

DOGvision free printable dog drawings. coloring pages dogs, www.DOGvision.eu

Week 5: maze game and a letter

If you already subscribed to these weekly drawings, there will probably be an e-mail waiting for you. If you're new and this is the first thing you hear or see about it, let me explain. During corona (lockdown) time, I make two dog-inspired drawings every week...

#TongueOutTuesday (16), hondenfotografie Fenne Kustermans, DOGvision Dalarna Zweden, yoga, graffiti, Border Collie, www.DOGvision.be

#TongueOutTuesday (16)

The light changes quickly here in Sweden. Not only do the days get noticeably longer and longer as compared to the nights, the color temperature and intensity quickly transform into summer style. Initially, I planned to recreate this series, sometime later because the hard light...