Rescue dog, European photographer, dog photography, studio dog photography,

#TongueOutTuesday (10)

With all the festivities of the past weekend, I would almost forget how we spent the five other days ...

Verjaardag hond, Border Collie,

Happy Birthday Mogwai!

A very happy 6th birthday to my forever happy puppy Mogwai! We celebrated with a big cake (with peanut butter and carrots) a new pluche sheep toy :-) Oh and she also got some fresh snow which she definitely loved :-) ...

Exploring Gotland, Sweden, traveling with dogs, Europa dog travel, hiking with dogs, dog photographer nordics,

Exploring Gotland (Sweden)

For years we've been traveling around the Nordics and there is still so much to see. Highest on my list was Gotland, especially after getting to know a fellow Belgian who's living on the island. I got the tip to travel in spring when most...

#TongueOutTuesday (09), weekly dog blog, dog photography Sweden, hundfotografi, Gotland,

#TongueOutTuesday (09)

I was always convinced that our little Mogwai was an angel. A super duper doggo that never did anything naughty (at least not since puppy days). With full confidence, I leave her at home and she is, unlike two others that stay in a cage,...

#TongueOutTuesday (06), dog blog, dog photography, European dog photographer, hund fotografi Sverige,

#TongueOutTuesday (06), even more snow!

Have you ever wondered how much snow would be too much? We did not until we counted snow by Lizzie-size. At the moment we are at about 1/2 Lizzie on fields and forest trails and 3/4 on the lakes while the verges rise to two-Lizzie or...

Dog blog, dog photography inspiration, dogs in Sweden, European dog photographer,

#TongueOutTuesday (05)

Until last week it was only a slightly embarrassing problem. This week it evolved into a repugnant catastrophe. Ok, so a little while ago we traveled to Belgium for a couple of weeks, enjoyed all the goodies and had a great time with friends and family....

dog blogger and photography, hiking with dogs in Sweden,

#TongueOutTuesday (04), Lizzie’s birthday and snow fun

Remember how we wobbled over slippery paths last week? Over the past week, that penguin challenge was completely resolved after a good night of snow. In the morning a cheerful sun above a white fairytale landscape greeted us. Yesterday evening I read on several Facebook groups...

#TongueOutTuesday (03), weekly dog blog, adventure dogs, hiking with dogs in Europe, Sweden, Border Collie, Dog photographer,

#TongueOutTuesday (03), when the sun comes out.

We got up with the first light, packed lunch and freshly baked fika and drove with the dogs to one of the forests close by. Finding a good spot for the car wasn't easy. Not that there were other people but what happens after the...