#TongueOutTuesday (39), dog photography Europe, hundfotografi Sverige, hiking with dogs in nature, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (39)

Join us on a moody morning walk!     @dogvision.eu Morning march through the woods, starting with a moody morning, ending with a bright sun! Harnesses by @hurttacollection . #dogs #dogwalk #dogpack #hurttaadventurer2022 #adventuredogs #hikingwithdogs #dogsoftiktok #bordercollie #mutt #honden #doglover #doglife #countryside #sweden #naturewalk ♬...

Hurtta Mudventure Overall, Hurtta adventurer 2022, www.DOGvision.eu

Peacock or Cinnamon?

Mud-monsters Mogwai and Oona have no idea which color to pick for their Mudventure Overalls from Hurtta. Which color do you think would suit them best?...

Leather dog collar, diy project, dog blog, www.DOGvision.eu

DIY leather collar

Making a leather dog collar has been on my list for a long time, and now I finally did. The hardest part is without any doubt deciding on the technique/style. With our without stitches, one layer or multiple, buckles, hardware, with or without padding,...

#TongueOutTuesday (38), dog photography Sweden, hiking with dogs in the woods, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (38)

It's the tastiest season of the year with the woods full of ripe blueberries, bright lingonberries, and tasty mushrooms (for us, not the dogs). Back home and at my studio, apple trees treat us with often small but delicious smelling fruit. So we've been cooking- A...

Home made dog cookies with peanut butter, www.DOGvision.eu

Moose cookies with peanut butter

These cookies are super easy but my dogs adore them, and, of course, they also love 'helping' by cleaning tools or the empty peanut butter jar :-) You'll need: • 2 ½ cups flour • 1 banana • 3 tablespoons of peanut butter • 1 cup water • 2 tablespoons honey...

Olli the Border Collie, dog sitting, dog photography, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (36)

"Would you mind looking after a dog?" my friend texted, and I could barely temper my excitement, especially after learning that it would be a young Border Collie who would visit me. I absolutely love having dog guests, only my dogs (especially Oona) don't match with...

#TongueOutTuesday (35), yawning dog, dog photography, adventure dogs Sweden, Hurtta adventurer 2022, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (35)

We are soaking up every bit of sunshine, every warm moment, as if we can store some of the summer joy for the dark winter days. Slowly the leaves are already turning yellow, the apples are almost ripe, and nights get colder. We're still having some...

#TongueOutTuesday (34), dog blog, dog photography, Nordic dogs, Hurtta adventurer 2022, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (34)

When dark clouds rolled in a few times, it felt like the rain would wash away summer quickly. The hottest days of 30+ degrees are over, but we've had a hot and humid august with many sunny days and some thunderstorms in between. Sometimes after...

Lightpainting, camping with dogs, campervan VW California, www.DOGvision.eu

The settings of the van shot

ISO 320: not too much noise. 25sec: long exposure so I have enough time for playing with the light. f22 for the starburst effect 16mm on Nikon. Edited in Lightroom to pull the shadows....

Dogs and dinosaurs, fossil hunting at the Jurassic coast England, www.DOGvision.eu

Dogs & Dinosaurs; Fossil hunting at the Jurassic Coast (UK)

Visiting the United Kingdom has been on my bucket list for… ever. Since I prefer taking my dogs on every journey that is more than a city trip, I couldn’t imagine exploring all the beautiful nature or villages without them. At first, bringing a dog...