#TongueOutTuesday (26), dog photography challenge, border collie at the beach, dog photographer, Cadzand, www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (27)

So many first-times, so much to explore. And yet so many future adventures we don't know of yet :-) Mogwai shows Lizzie how to fetch that wobbling bath duck from the pool: Not sharp, but a moment I'm glad it's captured in some way as...

#TongueOutTuesday (18), creative dog photography, dog photography Sweden, blog on www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (18)

One week ago, I couldn't imagine sitting here at my computer, writing a new blog post while Ravasz is sleeping at my feet. Many thoughts rushed through my head in dispear as Ravasz seemed sick on Wednesday morning. He didn't want to eat, didn't want...

5 tips on photographing your dogs in the city, dog photography, Sweden, Dalarna, creative dog photography, www.DOGvision.eu

5 Tips to photograph your dog in the city.

I love the outdoors, being surrounded by nature and the curious sounds of the wild. Both icy lakes or streaming rivers will get me out exploring. But once in a while, we head to the city to get our dose of urban inspiration and socialisation...

#TongueOutTuesday (15), dog photographer in Sweden, Dalarna, dogphotography, blog on www.DOGvision.eu

#TongueOutTuesday (15)

Drip, drip, drip. From small lakes to mini-streams, the thick layer of snow transforms into a liquid form which you can hear everywhere. The former snowflakes are on their way back to the melting lakes and the high clouds that slowly fly by. The earth...

Vasaloppet 2018, Mora, Sweden, dog blog, dog photography, www.DOGvision.eu

Vasaloppet 2018

Exactely one year ago we were standing at the same spot by the finish line of the Vasaloppet (the amateur version), looking at all those tired but happy glowing faces. People of all ages reaching the finish and being greeted by friends and family. It's...

Training in Stockholm with Oona and Mogwai | dog photography blog| www.DOGvision.eu

Training in Stockholm with Oona and Mogwai

When we lived in Belgium, socializing our dogs with other people, dogs and noise came rather natural as it is a crowded place. But here in Sweden, we really have to look for distractions for our training. Mogwai feels very confident in public places or...

Wild sea dogs

When we visited our old home country in November, we couldn't leave without a trip to the beach. Where we live now, it's a very long drive to the coast and it's hard to find a sandy beach like this one in Cadzand (The Netherlands)....

Hiking with dogs in Sweden: Jätturn naturreservat (Dalarna) | blog and dog photography: www.DOGvision.eu

Jätturn naturreservat (Dalarna/ Sweden)

This autumn day started a bit drizzly, but soon the clouds disappeared and it turned into a beautiful brisk weather. A perfect day to finally try a walk at  Jätturn naturreservat. A hike I wanted to try for a long time. In fact, I did...

An urban looking graffiti shoot in the woods | creative dog photography | www.DOGvision.eu

Graffiti shoot in the forest

Can you believe that this place is almost entirely surrounded by forest? I guess not, but it is :-) Like I wrote in a previous blog post about the place where I live (and how you don't need to live in an epic place to take...

Road tripping with dogs | dog photography | www.DOGvision.be

Tips & tricks: Taking your dog on a road trip

We love to go on road trips big and small with our dogs and we’re very lucky that until now, all of them, love it as much as we do. But perhaps this wandering around and sniffing new places is in their nature? Once we...