Exploring the lakes in Sweden | dog photography & travel blog | www.DOGvision.be

Exploring the lakes

The dogs ( and we too of course) LOVE adventures big and small. Now the roads are clear in summer, they are ready to be explored. We love to try as many paths as possible, looking for lakes and places to swim. Some days we...

Östra Silvberg gruva, Sweden | www.DOGvision.be

Östra Silvbergs gruva (Sweden)

Ready for another trip through Sweden? Join us to Östra Silvberg gruva! In Säters kommun (Dalarna, Sweden) there is an old, small and flooded silver mine where you can dive, swim or just enjoy the view of the crystal clear water. Now in summer, it seems...

Red Paddle DOG sup | Summer adventures with dogs | www.DOGvision.be

Dog SUP adventures

At first, Mogwai had no idea what we had planned. She quietly followed us to a kayak shop in our neighborhood and she was curiously looking at the kayaks that passed by on the river for a competition that was going on. Inside the shop she...

Look what we got: mail from Firefly canine outfitters | dog photography | Border Collie | dogs in Sweden | www.DOGvision.be

Look what we got!

When we lived in Belgium we had our mailbox just in front of our house and from our living room we could hear or see the mailman passing by. By the time he needed to drop off everything we could even guess whether it's just...

Our secret spot at the beach | Travel with dogs | dog photography | blog on www.DOGvision.be

Our secret spot at the beach

  A trip to Belgium wouldn't be complete without a visit to the beach, something we don't have easy access to here up north. I was looking forward to officially introduce Oona to this giant playground of sand, waves and new smells. And boy she loves...

Hurtta Sun and bug blocker review | www.DOGvision.be | dog blog and dog photography tips and tricks

Hurtta Sun & bug blocker

With a summer road trip planned to the northern parts of Scandinavia and Lapland, I was very excited to see that Hurtta was looking for testers for a new product: a Sun & Bug blocker. Scandinavia is absolutely stunning and the freedom to roam makes it...

Travel with dogs: Sweden | www.DOGvision.be

Traveling to Sweden with dogs.

What is the first thing you think about when you think about Sweden? To me, it's the sense of freedom, the big and deep blue lakes, silence, campfires and camping wild. Sweden seems like one of the best places in the world to travel to...