Daily dog drawings, week 9

It’s been a week of quiet walks, sketchbook sessions, and even a surprise encounter with a snake! (more about that later)
After a sunny weekend that felt like spring, we went back to howling wind and bits of snow on Monday- which is perfect for hiding in the studio and drawing dogs 🙂
Last week I asked the dog community on Instagram which dogs they wanted to see next in my series, and I loved drawing from all these suggestions. I couldn’t get them all in, but since it’s been fun, I’ll take suggestions every week until the end of the 100-day projects.
On Sunday, the drawings marked week 9 of daily drawing, and day 14 of the 100-day project. I decided that for this challenge, I’ll be drawing all 100 portraits on Bristol cards- which are white (while my sketchbooks are all different shades of off-white), so they are easier to scan and I keep them all in a map- I’ll show you next week when I have a photo. It’s kinda satisfying, a bit like a stamp or Flippo collection 🙂