Drawing one dog a day

It’s already the last day of 2024, and that feels like the perfect moment to look back at a project/challenge I started a few weeks ago.
One gloomy day, I was stuck on the sofa with Lizzie sleeping in my lap. As we all know, you can’t just move a cute sleepy dog out of the way, so I reached as quietly as possible for a small sketchbook and some pencils that lay within reach and I started drawing. First Lizzie, then some dogs from Instagram. By the time I didn’t feel my feet anymore, I had so much fun that I decided to keep practicing every day.
Like every artist/illustrator, I have some subjects that a I shy away from. Drawing children for example, but also dogs. (and I worked hard on buildings last year).
It’s time to get some practice in, to fail hard, to play, try, fail harder, and try again. It’s the only way to get better at anything.
These sketches are what they are and they don’t have to be anything else. The only thing I aim for is not to insult any dog or their owner with a hideous portrait.
When I scanned the sketchbook, I was surprised by how many dogs I had drawn! It’s starting to look like a little collection already.
I’ll share a few: