Happy Halloween!

When getting ready for winter here up north, anything and everything is a great reason to create and celebrate. Halloween or Samhain marks the end of the harvest season (I’ve just cut the last bits of mint to dry), and the start of the dark season. As the nature that surrounds us goes to sleep, it’s a silent invitation to slow down and reflect, to look back on memories of the last few months, and make plans for the new season of growth and light.
Scary movies are not really my thing, and I can’t see the fun in all the super creepy stuff, but I do like ghosts, skulls, and pumpkins 🙂
And luckily we all like pumpkin soup because there is a lot of it now! (and roasted pumpkin seeds too Mmm!)
Oona is doing her very best to look scary…
We might need to try again next year 🙂