Organizing dog gear

Leashes, collars, jackets, grooming products, the stock of dog poop bags… the collection of dog supplies always seemed to be somewhere we didn’t look. We no longer had room for our own coats, Joeri always thought there were no more poo-bags and never found the right leash, haha.
“It could be better”, I thought one day when a snowstorm raged around the house and I wisely decided to stay at home instead of going to work in my studio. Until then, the dog stuff took over part of the kitchen and a cupboard in the hall and we had postponed some organization because we wanted to renovate. That plan to tackle things here is currently on hold. A pity, but there are worse things in the world so that makes it easy to put that into perspective.
With a garbage bag in hand, I had already started the spring cleaning because oh those longer days and the beautiful weather gave me the jitters for a change! A few dog toys were now really worn out, they won’t miss those bones from under the sofa, and I apparently still had Ravasz’s medication. Whoops, out with that!
By moving all my ‘creative material’, being paint, brushes, leather tools, and more, to my studio, a small room had become available but it had not yet been given a new purpose, except for the ‘junk room’. You know, the place where you put everything that has no definitive location. Marie Kondo would be utterly irked.
Mission 1: Clean up the junk room. Mission 2: Wash and organize the dog stuff in the freed-up closet. Dog gear organizing ? (I got the spring mood!) #organizing #doggear #hurttaadventurer2022 #hurttacollection @hurttacollection #organizedhome #dogsofttiktok #dogmom #dogbackpack #dogcollars #cleaning #springcleaning #doglover ♬ Paradise – Ikson
We already had all the boxes and baskets that I used so far, so they don’t really match visually or maybe they seem a bit lost. If you went to the store, you could pick out boxes that make the most of the space, but I plan to use this structure for a while to see what else I might be able to change or need.

I love tags 🙂

A collection of bandanas and other accessories.

Not sure whether I will use hangers or a box for the harnesses, what do you think?
Mission accomplished! The dog stuff is no longer lying around everywhere and everything has a temporary place. In the coming weeks/months we can take a look at whether we want to do more. One of the ideas is, for example, to hang some shelves on the wall for all the dog-related books. Maybe some extra photos for fun?

It’s really becoming the dog corner now! 🙂