Mondo Cane, adventure dog challenge, summer puzzle, dogs Sweden, dog photography,

They ran back to the cabin, hastily closed the door behind them, looked at each other, and just when they wanted to sigh with relief, a loud BANG outside made the whole cabin shake and suddenly it was all dark. Oona tried a few light switches but nothing happened.

When the candles that Mogwai lighted started to fill the room with a warm glow, she realized that Lizzie was holding on to that last precious item. “Oh Lizzie!” she shrieked, “you found one!” You’ve made my day pup!” 
Mo’s compliments made Lizzie quickly forget about the howling wind around the cabin and instead she was blushing with pride.

Yes, Lizzie sure saved the day by completing the scavenger hunt and that meant that they were ready to open letter number 2!

This time, Mogwai passed on the folded paper to Oona who tried to open it as carefully as she could while trying to control her impatience. She put the new assignment on the table and smoothed out the folds. “It’s a puzzle about famous dogs!” From modern celebrities to the good old heroes, together, they could find them all.

Mondo Cane, adventure dog challenge, summer puzzle, dogs Sweden, dog photography,

When finished, they all stared at the solution they came up with and if they would be cartoon dogs, a huge question mark would hang over their heads. “What does that even mean?” asked Lizzie, but none of them were really sure. “Let’s get to bed and think about it in the morning,” suggested Oona, but Mogwai didn’t want to give up yet.

“The third envelop!” said Lizzie determined, “we can open it now!” 

Curious if the answer would be in the small brown envelop with a golden number 3 on it, she untied the strings and pulled out a paper. But what she found puzzled her even more as it only contained a map without any further explanation. It didn’t seem to be connected to the puzzle in any way. They all sat there, yawning with clouded minds, nodding and fighting sleep. “We better continue in the morning,” said Oona wearily and she blew out the candles. The others agreed without a word and they shuffled silently to their pillows.

Mondo Cane, adventure dog challenge, summer puzzle, dogs Sweden, dog photography, www.dogvision.euMondo Cane, adventure dog challenge, summer puzzle, dogs Sweden, dog photography,

Download the crossword puzzle HERE 🙂

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