Traveling Europe with dogs, exploring Denmark, Skagen Løkken, AIRbnb Denmark, dog photographer,

The endless beaches of northern Denmark

Thick clouds hung heavy over the Danish countryside as we traveled north. We just escaped the hot Belgian weather (although not everyone agrees that 30 degrees is hot but I was melting) so this fresh sea breeze was more than welcome. Until our first night...

This is my Happy Place

This is our happy place. By the lake, the forest, exploring under tall trees and picking sweet berries. What is yours? ...

dog training anywhere, local recycle station, border collie training, fit dog challenge, dog trick, dog photography Sweden, www>

Odd places to train?

These photos we shot at the recycle station in town. We were on our way to go hiking in the forest and explore some old ruins but as Joeri was finding the right container for every type of material, I thought it would be a...

Dog nose close-up,

Dog Noses

The best tools for window art! All so different but so beautiful. Btw, since I got so many questions on how to take photographs like these, a bit more information. I created all 3 photographs with the same settings. We were outdoors and it was around sunset...

#TongueOutTuesday (18), creative dog photography, dog photography Sweden, blog on

#TongueOutTuesday (18)

One week ago, I couldn't imagine sitting here at my computer, writing a new blog post while Ravasz is sleeping at my feet. Many thoughts rushed through my head in dispear as Ravasz seemed sick on Wednesday morning. He didn't want to eat, didn't want...

#TongueOutTuesday (15), dog photography project, weekly photo project, dog photography Sweden

#TongueOutTuesday (16)

Yesterday, on the real Tuesday, I had planned a quiet evening writing this weekly blog. I made some tea, got the computer,...

5 tips on photographing your dogs in the city, dog photography, Sweden, Dalarna, creative dog photography,

5 Tips to photograph your dog in the city.

I love the outdoors, being surrounded by nature and the curious sounds of the wild. Both icy lakes or streaming rivers will get me out exploring. But once in a while, we head to the city to get our dose of urban inspiration and socialisation...