The ants-in-my-pants photo session

Do you remember I told you about the ants-in-my-pants shoot?
When I was looking for a river a while ago (for this shoot) I came across the tiniest but an inviting-looking path. At that moment I had to go on since I needed to finish my river quest while the sun was still out, but for this photo session, I returned with the dogs, hoping I would be able to find this path again.
And we were lucky! The forest is getting a bit more transparent now the leaves look for their freedom and the weeds wither to be ready for winter. A rug of the tiniest white mushrooms invited us into the forest an now and then the sun was blinking at us through the branches of the trees. And suddenly we stumbled upon another creek where the water was splattering over stones black as coal. An old bridge couldn’t convince us that we would reach the other side so we walked a bit back and climbed over the slippery stones of the creek.
The creek, photographed with the Lensbaby Twist 60. (read more about Lensbaby)
When I decide to go to the forest and make some photographs – so not just for a stroll- I take much more camera gear. That means: a fully charged battery (I don’t do extra battery packs as these Nikon batteries are doing fantastic), about 3 lenses (unless I have one specific thing in mind) and this time also a flash and a reflector.
Oh, yes and cookies, lots of cookies of course.
And those ants? I did not invite them but they showed up anyway, crawled tickling in my clothes and bit my neck. Au!
Well, I guess I was in their place when lying on the soft green moss :-).
Before starting with the photographs I take some test shots and let the dogs run around, play and sniff as much as they want. Two reasons for doing so: when we arrive at the forest, my dogs are just a bit too crazy doodliedo to keep their attention for a half second en also by taking some test shots I can scan the light without them waiting for me.
Analyzing the light, textures, and possibilities, helps me to know where and how I want to take the shots with my dogs later. And, yes, of course, they are real animals and not objects so they won’t do exactly what I want but it helps to get the idea up front. With Oona, for example, I have to work very fast and communicate the whole time. She’s not really into sitting still and waiting so if I would need the time to think or change places, she will get confused and maybe even run away. Ravasz is Ravasz, which means he loves to pose but just as long as he wants. When my time is up, he will get up and come over to get his cookie, Mogwai is without any doubt the easiest! As long as I stay happy and I use a soft and friendly voice, she will be a happy pup and super patient.
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