#TongueOutTuesday (04)

We’ve been waiting for this for a while: a sunny day!
Luck was on our side because it was a bit warmer than the previous week, but the snow remained in place and there was no wind – and especially the latter does a lot in terms of wind chill.
“Brrr!”, Most people think when they think of a Scandinavian winter, and of course it is not an exotic paradise here, but the cold feels different than in, for example, Belgium or the Netherlands and it is not surprising to wrap yourself up well (while it might look weird in a big city). With warm clothing in the right materials and layers, it is doable to keep your body warm. Only my face sometimes struggles with temperatures -10 ° C. Fingertips are also at risk when we feed the dogs cookies. That’s why you will occasionally see us walking around with a tube of cheese: D
That cheese is not completely random. It’s Oona’s all-time favorite and super deluxe reward for when we train in the village. Normally, strange dogs are her big challenge, and the less busy it is, the more noise you can expect from her – unfortunately.
Last week, however, the training went really well, we were all relaxed, worked well together, no barking at dogs, … until she suddenly panicked and jumped away. Fortunately, with Oona I always have a tight grip on the leash, but she was almost taking off with my arm. Ice hockey, it turns out, is perilous. The impressive dexterity of the athletes gliding elegantly over the ice doesn’t seem to bother Oona much, but the sound of the sticks, that’s 300% cause for pure panic. I don’t even know if she got a clear view – at least I didn’t at 50 + meters away. Since I move like Bambi on ice, I can’t completely convince her of her wrong, but such a panic reaction is of course not pleasant for anyone. So something we are going to work on! (Fortunately, it is still winter for a while, huh)
This was a really fun read and I love your photos! Happy dogs make my heart happy!