#TongueOutTuesday (05)

Until last week it was only a slightly embarrassing problem. This week it evolved into a repugnant catastrophe.
Ok, so a little while ago we traveled to Belgium for a couple of weeks, enjoyed all the goodies and had a great time with friends and family. In the meantime, the DOGvision mobiel (my car) stood all alone in the garage, as far as we knew. Poor tuut!
Upon our return, this assumption turned out to be a big mistake. I think we felt like the parents of a bunch of teenagers-gone-wild because during our absence my loyal car was used as a party bus … by the Local Mouse Association.
And yes, we have had a few moments of mutual misunderstanding because they plundered a whole box of cookies and left messes everywhere, but that has been cleared up a long time ago. And Joeri had an incident without premeditation when, one of the members of the LMA crept on the windshield crept during driving and suddenly flew through the air (without parachute …).
But this time the chaos was of a different order. Not only was the whole car full of droppings and torn papers, it also stank like a public toilet in a subway. Bah! Disgusting! At -10*C we drove around with open windows!
“Such die-hards these Belgians,” our neighbors probably thought.
I disinfected every nook and cranny but nothing helped. It turned out that the smell came from inside the air channel. We tried to reach it from all sides but without success.
I desperately asked my good friend Google for advice. From homemade air fresheners to kitchen remedies against odors. Eventually I thought I had a solution: simple tricks to deodorize a refrigerator. Because yes, my car is now a bit of a refrigerator on wheels (especially now that we keep the windows open all the time) and smells are definitely hanging there. Tip 1 was to use used tea bags so from now on every teabag goes towards the car. Tip 2 was coffee. Now, we are not coffee drinkers so the only thing we had was leftover fancy Christmas coffee that we bought for guests and cheap-ass instant coffee. The latter was therefore richly sprinkled down in the ventilation of the DOGvision-mobiel (and also on the ground and so on to discourage the mice) – my cookie box on wheels now smells like a hipster coffee bar from Stockholm!
After a few days later we thought we might risk a ride again. Dogs in the car, we were packed and turned the key in the contact, … and … Prrrt prrrrt did the engine and then dead silence. With cables we could quickly resuscitate the engine and take a ride, but the next day we faced the same issue. Joeri thinks the battery of my car is broken. And in addition, the light of the airbag is constantly blinking. I am guessing that the mice may have just partied a bit too much or took revenge for the loss of their comrade.
So now that impractical problem is another embarrassing problem since we have to go to the garage with a car in which it looks like a cup of coffee exploded. Explain that in a new language …