#TongueOutTuesday (06)

And after our struggle last week, that was exactly what we needed to make the sun shine in our minds too. Not that we are suddenly completely happy-go-lucky or do not worrying about Ravasz with the slightest sneeze or stiff leg, but we realize that the only thing we can do is making the best of the time we have left. We first thought about leaving Ravasz at home on these cold days of exploration, but no, we dressed him in an extra fleece and decided to adjust the trip to him (and to set the temperature in the car to ‘melt-away’- he likes that).

We made a stack of delicious raisin sandwiches, made tea, and of course also packed the cheese for the doggies and we were ready to go for as long as the sun was shining. And in case you were wondering why we choose the cheese in tubes now, it is really too cold to take off the gloves to get a biscuit out of your pockets – or when I take some pictures and use cookies for their attention, I often drop it, because with gloves I don’t always feel it. Or I get wet gloves because they lick my hands when taking the cookie. And the last thing you want is getting wet and cold.
On Monday, the thermometer indicated -20*C! So Joeri had an idea. He boiled water, poured it into a cup, opened the window and threw the hot water into the cold air. And what happened do you think? It instantly transformed into a cloud!
Because of the cold, I decided to only take the two youngsters and to leave Ravasz at home by the stove. A good choice, I think, because when he went with Joeri for a short walk, he decided to turn back home after the necessary things. It’s great that he tells us his limits, isn’t it?
Oona and Mogwai have absolutely no problem with the cold and I must say that it is actually not that bad for us either. Minus 20 sounds really horribly cold, but the sun was shining and there was no wind at all. With warm ski pants and layers of fleece or wool, you can prepare yourself for this kind of cold. Once the wind is out to get you, it’s a totally different story of course, but we have really little wind here.
A few weeks ago I how we prepare when we go out on the lake, (important because every year there are accidents with or without a fatal outcome) now an overview of what I take with me when I go for a walk/hike/exploring tour with the dogs or we take a day out:
– sand/gravel to throw under the car when you’re stuck.
– shovel (also for the snow)
– something edible that can not freeze
– blankets
– extra sweater
– phone (I learned here to always bring my cell phone + to charge it every night)
– if we are gone for the day also tea.