#TongueOutTuesday (06), even more snow!

We did not until we counted snow by Lizzie-size. At the moment we are at about 1/2 Lizzie on fields and forest trails and 3/4 on the lakes while the verges rise to two-Lizzie or more because of the snow plowing. For the time being our ‘little one’ as we usually call her, doesn’t have the least trouble with the number of cold obstacles. She is probably the fastest and cannot be bothered by a bit of winter conditions.
Since Lizzie’s birthday, the doggies have a new toy that they are absolutely crazy about. I saw them in the store for a while or with other dogs here and there but didn’t want to give it to my dogs because I thought *hum * or my imagination, it looks a lot like a toy that is designed to please people. And I describe it here very vague because otherwise I will drown in spam, get a mailbox full of offers for blue pills and more of that nonsense. I saw is vividly in front of my eyes, going for a walk with my dogs through the forest and people wondering if they had stolen something from the bedroom.
I am absolutely born for that kind of misunderstandings, going from a vibrating toothbrush in my travel bag on a school trip to a teacher who wondered what was going on all the time against his leg and suddenly saw Hummer’s* cheerful face under the table (I never dared to ask what she had done).
* Because this blog didn’t exist in English at that time, Hummer was an assistance dog in training and I took her to school now and then. That day it wasn’t planned but I took her to the zoo during drawing class but didn’t have the time to go home during the lunch break.
In case you remember this spot from summer, it’s the pier from our garden to the lake. Last year was terribly dry, that’s why we have so much grass. At this moment we cross it and just walk all the way to the open lake!
Lizzie surprised us with a new habit: taking my place in the sauna. Seriously!
At first, I thought, “oh, she comes to take a look”, then she snuggled on my towel and didn’t want to leave. In the meantime, I noticed that she checks the sauna every time the door is open and she looks so VERY disappointed when it is not hot. She’s picky too. The lowest spot where there is still a bit of cold air coming through isn’t good enough. The highest is a bit too high for her. But the middle one, that’s where she wants to be!
(She is, of course, free to leave the sauna when she wants to and she does that too, we will wait with water until she is gone)
Another disaster I managed this week is the super hairy Mo-butt. It was an experiment. Since Mo is the only one having issues with ice or snow in her fur, I tried to let it grow- while normally I cut her hair in autumn and winter. This experiment showed to be a failure as we had to manage snowballs as big as a fist, ice clumps that we just couldn’t remove and an unhappy Mo as a result of al the standing still and waiting during walks. Except for the big ones that we always got out, she needed to defrost and melt out the snow and ice after walks.
(And yes I have wax and oils).
So scissors to the rescue!
Here’s a quick snapshot from the ‘before’:
The light in Sweden:
Sunrise: 08h00 (20min earlier than last week!)
Sunset: 4.20pm (+ 20min!)
It’s amazing how much different this already feels! Even some of my plants are waking up again 🙂
So, that’s it for this week, see you later!