#TongueOutTuesday (13)

Vårvinter, they call it here, this kind of in-between season. It’s definitely too warm to be called winter here in the Nordics, but not warm enough to get fully into spring mode. So far, I haven’t spotted a single flower and all the grass is still brown. While it may sound as if we’re waiting in line, I really like this time of the year. The light changes fast, the air gets warmer and filled with possibilities and energy. Yet, it’s fresh enough to go for long hikes and still wear warm jumpers and heavy coats. For some, the landscape might look dead and boring, but I adore the color palette. Especially the pale brown grasses contrasting with the Payne’s grey of the frozen lakes on a sunny day.
It’s also a great time to explore a bit of the woods off-road as snakes, ticks and insects aren’t awake yet.
Oona curiously exploring a fallen tree.
And here a demonstration of why I like to put some vibrant colors on my dogs, especially Oona 🙂 🙂
Mmm,… best stick of the day!
For a few years now, I track steps, heart rate, and sleep with a Fitbit.
Last week on Thursday I did 23051 steps in a day, I think that is a new best score for me and while it might not be that much for you, I am almost overwhelmed with joy. About 12 years ago, pain in my hips got so bad that I had to quit my job, for years, walking and even standing on two legs was painful (I have arthrosis in my hip and a nerve got damaged during examinations). It was only a few years ago, on a trip to Austria, that I was able to walk up a mountain again. It wasn’t easy, not 100% pain-free but very well manageable and without some side-effects that I would get before. Relieved and motivated by that feeling of standing on top of that mountain overlooking the valley, I continued training (strength and flexibility) and walking. I found out that using a hip belt with Lizzie pulling me a bit, made me able to go further and further. Getting up a hill has always been the most difficult thing but with Lizzie’s energy, I got that little push to get there. I still have some bad days now and then, but this week, I only felt tired. The happy and joyful kind of tired.
Wishing you all a lovely spring week, stay healthy! x