#TongueOutTuesday (19)

Today I’m not entirely sure whether it’s spring or autumn as the rain keeps pouring down and the air is damp and bleak. I’ve lit some candles to spread a bit of warm light and the scent of cinnamon. The lake behind our home is still as a mirror, not a single wave, not a single duck.
But when you look closely, you might notice the delicate white flowers, the tiny green buds, and a hint of blue popping up in the grass. They are covered in raindrops and let their heads hang a bit, but when the sun comes out, they will be ready to reach up high. Tomorrow, my weather report shows, it will be 22*C… Huh, what? Last week we still had some snow, I’m still wearing woolen socks and warm sweaters and writing while hiding under our softest blanket- and suddenly it will be summer :-).
Spring in Sweden can be seriously confusing!
Some days I’m longing for summer days with paddling and endless sun, on other days I miss the cold insectless winter :-). Some mornings I’m walking the dogs in a sweater and sneakers, only to be in warm boots and a winter coat in the evening when the temperature drops again.
Some photos/blogs I want to share:
– We visited Flatenbergs hytta, a mining location in our area.
– Now summer is on its way, you might like this blog about paddling with dogs.
– Many were super enthusiastic about this post about budget-friendly macro photography.
– If you plan to shoot in the city, here are 5 of my tips for an urban photoshoot.
– Or if you’re planning a road trip with your dog, here is a blog about our experience/tips.
I’m getting a lot of questions, and while I have written about traveling to Sweden with dogs before, but at the moment the situation is too uncertain to give much travel advice for this summer. We are not planning to cross any border until we’re fully vaccinated and it’s also still uncertain whether or not our friends will get here. So much depends on both the speed and effectiveness of vaccines. For those who are planning a trip to Sweden, I do advise you to check your insurance, just in case, and to avoid crowded places. Because at the moment ICU is full and much of the other care is postponed, I also urge you to be careful and respect the locals- even when they are not wearing masks. I expect, or at least I hope, that ICU numbers will go down by summer, but healthcare, in general, is struggling big time.
And now, I’m going to look for those summer shirt, just in case we actually get 22*C 🙂
See you later!