#TongueOutTuesday (22)

There’s the sun!
Summer is here!
Here in the north, summer hardly gets any announcement, not even a fresh green run-up. No, spring here is limited to the melting of winter and the lakes slowly transforming back to a liquid state. Around the end of May, you can find here and there traces of a 5 o’clock shadow of soft green that forms as a thin halo around bushes and birch trees. Every now and then we spot a few fresh green blades of grass – a delicacy according to our doggies. Warm weather was still no guarantee and until a week ago the warm sweaters and wool socks were still in use.
And then POOF! – very suddenly the green explodes, we get 24 degrees and full sun. Every year we let ourselves be surprised, we have to dig seriously to find those summer shirts and sun cream and we can barely cope with our hurray-weather-sneaker euphoria. THIS was for example a blog and photos from the beginning of May. Very bald and dull.
Besides a few obvious signals in nature, the doggies also show their summer signals. Oona loses so much hair in thick woolly tufts that I wonder if she’s going to have any fur left, Mogwai is freaking out now that she can get back into the water and Lizzie is dozing in the sun for hours. And not only that, she even lies outside in the grass. For a dog like Oona even laying in the snow, that doesn’t say much, but Lizzie doesn’t even sit down on cold / wet days. The fact that even she is now stretched out over the blades of grass is indeed a very summery sign
Watch and be watched, because this moose was very curious :-). This morning one was also startled when we walked past. The doggies got their noses going!
Today we also received notification that we will soon be able to register for Thé Vaccine. We are not counting on a completely carefree summer, but that does not stop us from making numerous plans, small and large. Both around here and in the rest of Sweden there is still so much to discover that we will certainly not be bored, on the contrary! We are already looking forward to a few lazy summer days with ice cream and swimming in the lakes. We will also go kayaking and camping with the doggies anyway. In the meantime, the days are also long enough that we can easily go out even on working days in the evening and then we often visit old sites of the iron industry. Sometimes these are old mining villages or melting furnaces, but there are also old mansions and even a lusthus (a pavilion) from 1600 on the list of Ekomuseum Berglagen.