#TongueOutTuesday (25)

There isn’t mich left of Mogwai when she is waiting for her ball soaking wet and dripping. Fortunately, she just has to wildly shake to get back into shape.
Lizzie prefers to keep it dry. Even though that does not always work out as she would like to. Here she absolutely wanted to grab a cookie, last week she plunged into the lake when she wanted to catch a lily pad.
Oona is a special case of mixed signals. She is not afraid of getting wet and won’t turn around like Lizzie in a heavy downpour, but swimming is definitely not her thing even though she can. We try to seduce her with cookies or a ball, but she rarely goes beyond where she feels the bottom under her paws. However, when I went paddle boarding with her yesterday, she still left the ship unannounced. I probably had gone too far after she got onboard smoothly and full of enthusiasm because suddenly she was tired of it. After initially looking around quietly, she spotted a suspicious object, almost crawled on my neck, and then only whined. On the way back she decided she had had 100% enough and jumped into the water. Fortunately, I was prepared with swimsuits, a thick layer of sunscreen, swimming slippers, and a long line attached to Oona’s life jacket. After all, our lake passes a quarry where either people are working or the camera surveillance is on. I had no intention of running around in a bikini after a runaway dog and thus unwittingly filming a trailer for my summer of 2020.
No, Oona was able to perform her splash of resistance with a lot of drama before I pulled her back on the board with her life jacket. When she arrived at our dock, she mis stepped and ended up in the mud. So… we decided to restart the sup training from scratch and she found that very pleasant. (If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen some of this training in our stories).
For the time being, we only take Mogwai and Lizzie on sup/kayak outings. Mogwai is without a doubt the easiest. As long as she can go swimming somewhere, everything is fine. Lizzie is a lot more curious, wants to see everything – but really everything! :-). And if a piece of stone protrudes above the water surface, it might cause a bit of panic. Or like a few days ago, when she almost crawled on my neck because a pond skater (the insect, not a human) moved quite close to the board. At one point, when we crossed a lake, I also noticed some restlessness and realized that she had never gone this far before. So something to pay attention to next time. That tension with unknown objects is not inherent to our trips on the water. They are working for fiber connections around here and when a signal sign suddenly appeared, she was also worried too. Fortunately, sniffing out those suspicious things helps.
And meanwhile, we count down to midsommar- only a few days left. The longest days of the year with 24/7h light. Often rainy and cold according to the Swedes, but we’ve been treated with beautiful summer weather up to 27 degrees! The grass in the lake (which I now prune weekly) grew in some places more than half a meter above the water surface ?
With all that heat and sun, the lakes beckon for a refreshing swim and you will never believe it, but the water is already super pleasant.
I hereby wish you a nice midsummer, celebration or not – with beautiful long days and a cloud of cheerful colored flowers.
See you later! Hej då 🙂