#TongueOutTuesday (31)

I can hardly believe it’s already August- which means that the Nordic summer will only last a few more weeks before the first signs of autumn arrive. So far the hottest days (30+ *C) seem to be over but we’re blessed with some nice sunny days and some delicious rain for variety.
The little terrace that we made in spring has been well used, both by the dogs and us :-). For some reason the dogs like to rest their heads on the large grey stones, only getting up on the chairs for a change of scenery. They adore the long days outside just hanging out in the garden while we work or read. And strangely enough, it makes them as tired as a long walk.
On sunny days, we love catching those last rays of sunlight as the days are already getting shorter. No more midnight sun, no more endless light.
Last weekend, we finally went camping! For months, we’ve been longing to hit the road again, wandering around, seeing new places, and the exciting search for the perfect camping spot. In the last 2-3 weeks, there are noticeably more tourists/travelers, mostly from Sweden, some Dutch, a few Belgians (more than in previous years I think), and very few Germans. Many campervans in all sizes- but mostly white :-).
And this spot, we almost didn’t reach it as the road was bumpy and overgrown, making the van creak as if it was a 90-year-old granny on a trampoline.
But as you can see, it was worth it! (I’ll share some more pictures soon)