#TongueOutTuesday (40)

Oona is sooooo tired!
Days were spent playing and acting silly and the nights are for snoring as loud as you can and dreaming about all the adventures of the weekend in Orse.
— and I wonder: do dogs also have these weird and nonsese dreams (like I mostly have)?
The past week was over before I could really blink my eyes. Time has the bad habit of just chasing by without a warning.
So what have we been doing?
I’ve been playing Elastigirl in the forest; handling a camera with one hand, cookies with the other and balancing the reflector with my feet! 🙂
10 points for effort 🙂
And after 3 hot chocolates, I got my very real own Swedish license plate! *happy-dance!*
During a walk – the type where you just have enough time for a walk before an appointment- Oona showed up with a bone. And, yeah, I love bones so I tried to find the rest. I could also find one small piece but nothing more. While exploring the forest I was collecting spiders in my hair and water in my shoes (short walk, no boots of course) but I didn’t find anything more.
With the start of the new week and right in time for World Animal Day, a gift from Finland arrived from Vicia Faba Design. For the dogs but this chocolate-adoring person wasn’t forgotten! Soon more images as hopefully the clouds travel further. It’s been rather dark and rainy the past couple of weeks. But still, I’m in love with autumn. And on rainy days, there is still chocolate, right?
This week I started a course in ceramics. For 5 week I’ll be diving in the super interesting world of pottery and more to transform these lumps of clay into a real object. But it’s not only about the ceramics. It’s also a course in “real Swedish” for me as it is of course fully in Swedish. I feel like drowning sometimes but I have to and I want to learn. Especially difficult are dialects and technical stuff, but even the easiest conversation is impossible when it goes too fast.The latter feels like a shower of Swedish sounds that end up like letters in soup. But the biggest confusion was actually about a very silly thing: I needed to get a “svamp” as a tool. As far as I’ve been learning my Swedish, that’s a mushroom. And there I was standing in the ceramics studio in the middle of a town and I had no clue what I had to look for. Turn out a sponge is also called a svamp!
This was the latest news from Dalarna, brought to you by Fenne and the dogs.
See you next time!