#TongueOutTuesday (53)

Sunrise: 9:02 am
Sunset: 2:57 pm
The darkest days were chased away by Christmas lights and scented candles, soon the light will gain strength and fill our days with wonderful winter colors, just like the photo above.
And then for a tiny moment I wonder if frost might be just as beautiful as snowy winter wonderland. The shimmering crystals, the playful lines in the ice … Wonderful! Yet the idea only lingers in the cold air for a short time, because the hope of real snow, such a thick fluffy blanket, remains. Every day that the weather forecast promised snow, when waking up I reach up to look out the window, full of hope. And when that long-awaited snow turns out to be a drizzly drop, I dive under the warm sheets again, refusing to get up right away.
Sometimes a bit cranky, because that can also be the effect of a sunless month. December mainly treated us to thick gloomy clouds and rain. The roads are often worse than in the spring when it starts to thaw. The freezing temperatures alone made us almost yodel with pleasure haha. Those 3 days of sunshine, good for a few hours of light a day, were desperately needed, but perhaps just not enough to avoid a “f*ck dis” instead of jumping energetically in the shower on another gloomy day.
But magic sometimes lurks just as much around the corner as bad luck and we experienced that when we decided to sleep in the cabin on boxing day. With 3 large windows facing the garden, we could look into the garden from our bed. In the evening the first tiny flakes fell, just enough to fill our cabin with that typical light of a winter landscape in the morning. Clear and fresh even on a sunless day. Waking up like this after our first night ever in the cabin is something to remember!
I also knitted my first (human) snood 🙂 – a matching one to Lizzie’s. Far from perfect but done and the softest chenille yarn. Also wide enough to pull over my head when a sudden cold wind picks up.